iCADEMICUS provides companies with a flexible and up-to-date infrastructure for the training and further education of employees.
Efficient professional training
iCADEMICUS offers consulting and products for online-based professional training of employees. Digital learning is location-independent, time-flexible and cost-effective. Depending on your needs, e-learning can be combined with e-books and online tutorials.
Internal and external expertise
iCADEMICUS enables companies to design their professional training in a modern and individual way by means of digital learning and training units. Both in-house and external experts can be used as lecturers and training managers.
Rapid information
Professional training in an online format makes it possible to transfer new knowledge promptly and in line with demand. Ideal for topics that are subject to constant change, such as compliance, regulation, law, accounting, etc.
Uniform standards
Corporate and HR managers benefit from uniform standards of knowledge transfer at all locations at all times. The quality of the content can be coordinated and ensured by a central organisational unit.
Corporate information
Business knowledge can be transferred reliably and simultaneously to any number of different locations and in a uniform format.
Corporate qualification
The further training of employees is provided through individual modules, which are tailored to the individual position and work organisation.
Corporate certification
Internal training is combined with integrated tests, final examinations and certification, for example for compliance issues such as money laundering training.
Corporate university
In-house qualification formats can range from individual module series to complex continuing education programmes analogous to an academic degree programme.